HCP partners Elizabeth Onyango, Jonathan Crush and Samuel Owuor publish paper on food insecurity and dietary deprivation in Kenya
HCP partners Elizabeth Onyango, Jonathan Crush and Samuel Owuor publish a paper titled "Food Insecurity and Dietary Deprivation: ...
HCP partners Ndeyapo Nickanor, Godfrey Tawodzera and Lawrence Kazembe coauthor paper about the threat of COVID-19 on food security
HCP Partner Ndeyapo Nickanor, Godfrey Tawodzera and Lawrence Kazembe coauthor a paper titled "The Threat of COVID-19 on ...
HCP Partner Taiyang Zhong publishes paper on the impact of community-level grassroots organizations on household food security during the COVID-19 epidemic in China
HCP partner Taiyang Zhong from Nanjing University coauthors a paper with Yajia Liang about community-level grassroots organizations on ...
MiFOOD Paper No.6 “Incomplete Documentation, Isolation and Food Security among Central American Migrants in Mexico City” is published
MiFOOD Paper No. 6 "Incomplete Documentation, Isolation and Food Security among Central American Migrants in Mexico City" authored ...
MiFOOD collaborators publish paper no. 5 on migrant women’s food insecurity in Ghana
MiFOOD publishes Paper No. 5: Migrant Women’s Food Insecurity Experiences in the Breadbasket of Ghana. It is coauthored ...
MiFOOD Collaborator Chetan Choithani publishes new book “Migration, Food Security and Development”
MiFOOD Collaborator Chetan Choithani publishes new book "Migration, Food Security and Development: Insights from Rural India". The book ...
HCP’s Cameron McCordic and Bruce Frayne coauthor new paper about food security implications of disrupted access to basic services
HCP's Cameron McCordic and Bruce Frayne coauthor new paper with Naomi Sunu and Clare Williamson which is entitled ...
HCP’s Liam Riley and Jonathan Crush publish new book “Transforming Urban Food Systems in Secondary Cities in Africa”
HCP's Liam Riley and Jonathan Crush (editors) publish the book "Transforming Urban Food Systems in Secondary Cities in ...
HCP’s Zhenzhong Si coauthors paper on the community building of alternative food networks
HCP's Zhenzhong Si coauthors paper that examines the community building process of successful alternative food networks in China ...
HCP co-hosts the International Migration Conference on “Food (In)Security and Migrants on the Move” with MiFOOD Partner IIMAD, BSIA and IMRC
On October 27 and 28, 2022, the International Migration Conference: “Food (In)Security and Migrants on the Move" co-hosted ...
MiFOOD’s Cherie Enns publishes book “Child Rights and Displacement in East Africa”
MiFOOD's Cherie Enns at the University of the Fraser Valley, Canada coauthored a book "Child Rights and Displacement ...
The Migration and Food Security (MiFOOD) Network of the Hungry Cities Partnership recently embarked on 25 new research projects
The Migration and Food Security (MiFOOD) Network of the Hungry Cities Partnership recently embarked on 25 new research ...
IIMAD and MiFOOD’s Irudaya Rajan publishes article on return migration during COVID-19
IIMAD and MiFOOD's Irudaya Rajan publishes article titled "Distress return migration amid COVID-19: Kerala’s response" in the Asian ...
MiFOOD Paper No. 3 on migrant food security in urban China is posted
Nanjing University's Taiyang Zhong coauthored the MiFOOD Paper No.3 with Fei Xu and Jonathan Crush entitled "COVID-19, the ...
HCP’s Guénola Capron and Salomon Gonzalez publish a paper with Linda Moreno Sanchez on Supermarkets in Mexico
HCP Partners Guénola Capron and Salomon Gonzalez in Mexico publish a paper with Linda Moreno Sanchez on Supermarkets ...
HCP’s Taiyang Zhong publishes paper with Jonathan Crush on online food purchasing in China
HCP's Taiyang Zhong publishes paper in the journal Land with Jonathan Crush on online food purchasing in China. ...
MiFOOD Webinar Series features Dr. Jenna Hennebry on gender equality and migration
On June 28th 2022, Dr. Jenna Hennebry presents at the MiFOOD Webinar Series on gendering the Global Compact ...
HCP hosts MiFOOD Webinar Series No. 3 on Innovative Approaches to Migration and Food Security in Urbanizing Kenya
On May 17th 2022, HCP partners Dr. Sam Owuor from University of Nairobi and Dr. Cherie Enns from ...
HCP holds Inception Workshop on Precarity, Exclusion and Migrant Food Insecurity in Cities of the Global South
Hungry Cities Partnership holds the Inception Workshop online on Precarity, Exclusion and Migrant Food Insecurity in Cities of ...
HCP partner Marie Ruel speaks at the MiFOOD Webinar Series on Measuring Food Security in the Time of COVID-19
HCP Partner Marie Ruel from IFPRI Speaks at the MiFOOD Webinar Series on Measuring Food Security in the ...
HCP’s Cameron McCordic and Bruce Frayne publish paper on gender differences in measuring household food insecurity in northern Ghana
HCP's Cameron McCordic and Bruce Frayne co-author a paper with Siera Vercillo entitled "Considering gender differences in measuring ...
MiFOOD Inception Workshop on Precarity, Exclusion and Migrant Food Insecurity in Cities of the Global South is Open for Registration
MiFOOD Inception Workshop on Precarity, Exclusion and Migrant Food Insecurity in Cities of the Global South is Open ...
MiFOOD Webinar Series No. 3 Featuring Dr. Marie Ruel is Scheduled on April 14, 2022
Dr. Marie Ruel from IFPRI will speak at the MiFOOD Webinar Series No. 3 about "Measuring Food Security ...
HCP’s Zack Ahmed featured in CityNews Kitchener and CBC Radio about community vaccine clinic project
HCP's Zack Ahmed is featured in CityNews Kitchener and CBC Radio about community vaccine clinic project. The project ...
HCP partner Godfrey Tawodzera speaks at the MiFOOD Webinar Series on poverty and food security among Zimbabwean migrants in South Africa in the age of COVID-19
On March 31 2022, HCP partner Godfrey Tawodzera speaks at the MiFOOD Webinar Series on poverty and food ...
HCP’s Gareth Haysom participates in webinar on The Role of the Informal Trader in Food Safety, Sustainabilityand Security in South Africa organized by the South African Informal Traders Association (SAITA)
HCP's Gareth Haysom participates in webinar on The Role of the Informal Trader in Food Safety, Sustainabilityand Security ...
MiFOOD Partner in Singapore, Brenda Yeoh, publishes new book on migrant transnationalism
MiFOOD Partner in Singapore, Brenda Yeoh, publishes Handbook on Transnationalism. Providing a critical overview of transnationalism as a ...
Migration and Food Security (MiFOOD) SSHRC Partnership Grant Project is officially launched
On December 13th 2021, researchers and representatives of international organizations joined the MiFOOD team from 14 cities around ...
QES-AS Scholar Percy Toriro publishes book on the changing urban food system in Zimbabwe
QES-AS Scholar Percy Toriro publishes book Environmental Resilience: Food and the City- Zimbabwe. This book discusses the production, ...
The Book “Urban Food Deserts: Perspectives from the Global South” co-edited by Jonathan Crush and Zhenzhong Si is published
Jonathan Crush and Zhenzhong Si co-edited the book "Urban Food Deserts: Perspectives from the Global South" based on ...