Zhenzhong Si

Zhenzhong Si, Hungry Cities Partnership QE Scholar, publishes book “Organic Food and Farming in China: Top-down and Bottom-up Ecological Initiatives”

Zhenzhong Si, QE Scholar with the Hungry Cities Partnership, publishes a book “Organic Food and Farming in China: Top-down and Bottom-up Ecological Initiatives” coauthored with Steffanie Scott, Theresa Schumilas and Aijuan Chen. This book shows how a set of social, economic, cultural, and environmental conditions have converged to shape the development of a “formal” organic […]

Zhenzhong Si, Hungry Cities Partnership QE Scholar, publishes book “Organic Food and Farming in China: Top-down and Bottom-up Ecological Initiatives” Read More »

Inȇs Raimundo, Hungry Cities Partnership Coordinator in Maputo in Mozambique, is attending the 2018 Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance Global Summit on Food Security & Thriving Communities

Inȇs Raimundo, Hungry Cities Partnership Coordinator in Maputo in Mozambique, is attending the 2018 Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance Global Summit on Food Security & Thriving Communities in Atlanta from November 27th until 2nd December 2018. Through this Summit,  fellows will be preparing for the African Summit on Food Security that will take place next year in Johannesburg.  The

Inȇs Raimundo, Hungry Cities Partnership Coordinator in Maputo in Mozambique, is attending the 2018 Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance Global Summit on Food Security & Thriving Communities Read More »

Hungry Cities Partnership Co-Hosts Conference on Urbanization, Food Systems and Sustainability in the Global South

The Hungry Cities Partnership (HCP), the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Queen Elizabeth Scholars (QES-AS) Program hosted a conference on Urbanization, Food Systems and Sustainability in the Global South on 3-4 July 2018 at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Ontario, funded by SSHRC, the BSIA, WLU and the IDRC. The first day of the conference

Hungry Cities Partnership Co-Hosts Conference on Urbanization, Food Systems and Sustainability in the Global South Read More »

QE Scholars Present Hungry Cities Research at the International Development Research Centre in Ottawa

QES Scholars Godfrey Tawodzera and Zhenzhong Si, together with Jonathan Crush, presented HCP research findings for Cape Town and Nanjing at a well-attended seminar at the IDRC on June 19th. Their presentation, entitled The Supermarket Revolution Revisited: Food System Insights from Cape Town, South Africa and Nanjing, China provided a critique of the classic supermarket revolution model in

QE Scholars Present Hungry Cities Research at the International Development Research Centre in Ottawa Read More »

Hungry Cities Partnership Report on the State of Household Food Security in Nairobi, Kenya is Published

The Hungry Cities Partnership Report No. 11: The State of Household Food Security in Nairobi, Kenya is published. The report was authored by Samuel Owuor. It presents the results of a city-wide household food security survey of 1,434 Nairobi households, conducted by the Hungry Cities Partnership and the University of Nairobi. As the first city-wide

Hungry Cities Partnership Report on the State of Household Food Security in Nairobi, Kenya is Published Read More »

The HCP partner in South Africa convenes International Urban Conference, 1-3 February 2018, to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Centre’s founding

The HCP partner in South Africa, the African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town, convenes International Urban Conference, 1-3 February 2018, to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Centre’s founding. A number of HCP researchers presented their work at the International Urban Conference. They included Elizabeth Thomas Hope (University of West Indies), Zhenzhong Si

The HCP partner in South Africa convenes International Urban Conference, 1-3 February 2018, to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Centre’s founding Read More »

QES Scholar Dr. Godfrey Tawodzera presents his research at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, May 2018

Godfrey Tawodzera from the African Centre of Cities at the University of Cape Town and the first HCP-QES Early Career Scholar to visit Canada presented his research on the food security of Zimbabwean migrants in South African Cities to the Migration, Mobilities and Social Politics Cluster at the Balsillie School of International Affairs.   Photos

QES Scholar Dr. Godfrey Tawodzera presents his research at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, May 2018 Read More »

HCP-Queen Elizabeth Advanced Scholars blog about their experiences in South Africa, China and India

HCP-Queen Elizabeth Advanced Scholars have written blogs about their research and conference experiences in partner cities of the HCP. Their blogs record various elements of the urban food systems with personal reflections in South Africa, China and India in detail.

HCP-Queen Elizabeth Advanced Scholars blog about their experiences in South Africa, China and India Read More »

Hungry Cities Partnership researchers Gareth Haysom and Godfrey Tawodzera assess the applicability of food security measures and metrics for understanding food insecurity in cities in the Global South in the influential journal Food Policy 74(2018)

Abstract The understanding of food security has seen major shifts since the original conceptualisations of the challenge. These changes in understanding have been accompanied by different food security measurement approaches. Despite the fact that the world has become increasingly urbanised and the developing world in particular, is experiencing its own urban transition, changes in food

Hungry Cities Partnership researchers Gareth Haysom and Godfrey Tawodzera assess the applicability of food security measures and metrics for understanding food insecurity in cities in the Global South in the influential journal Food Policy 74(2018) Read More »

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