HCP receives funding for project on the impact of COVID-19 on food security in China

HCP receives funding for project on the impact of COVID-19 on food security in China. Jonathan Crush, Zhenzhong Si, Ning Dai, Steffanie Scott and Taiyang Zhong will study how the outbreak of the novel coronavirus will impact food security in China, as well as how to improve food access and availability, with nearly $500,000 in funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), a federal agency.  They will examine how quarantine measures, unstable supply and fear are making access to food more challenging in China, and explore ways to make food easier to access including working with local residents to put strategies into action. The findings from this two-year study will be of direct relevance to other countries, both within and beyond the HCP network, which are now facing the negative food-related impacts of the pandemic.


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