Statistics & Population Studies

Ndeyapo Nickanor
Ndeyapo Nickanor is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computing, Mathematical and Statistical Science in the School of Science as well as the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Engineering and Natural Science at the University of Namibia. She is a research affiliate of the African Food Security Urban Network (AFSUN) which continues to extensively research on food security in Southern Africa, as well as the Hungry Cities Partnership (HCP). She is also working with the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town as part of the IDRC funded Nourishing Spaces Project. Her research interest continues to grow in the food security area.

Lawrence Kazembe
Lawrence Kazembe is a Professor in Applied Statistics at the University of Namibia. He previously served as senior biostatistician at Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme in Blantyre, Malawi; consultant statistician with Malaria Alert Centre; and as a research fellow at Medical Research Council of South Africa, Durban in the Malaria Lead Research Programme. He has published extensively, with over 100 peer-reviewed publications in food security, malaria research and population health. In 2008, he was recognized as a young scientist and in 2009, he was accorded a young research affiliate award by the Academy of Sciences in Developing Countries (TWAS), and a young biometrician medal from the Sub-Saharan Network of International Biometrics Society (SUSAN-IBS), in 2009. He has supervised over 10 PhDs and 50 MSc graduates. His main research interests are in Bayesian statistical modeling and spatial analysis with applications in population health.

Simon T Angombe
Dr. Simon T Angombe is currently the Associate Dean of the School of Agriculture and Fisheries Sciences, at the University of Namibia, where he is also a GIS Lecturer in the Department of Environmental Science. He holds a PhD specialised in Agricultural Ecology from the Russian State Agricultural University. His ultimate goal is to enhance and promote the effectiveness of Integrated Environmental Management that includes climate smart land use and sustainable agriculture. He aspires to contribute to research and development in the Namibian scientific community - conducting research that are needed to provide sound scientific guidance for policy-science interface. Prior to his postgraduate studies, he worked at the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, for six years where he has conducted Forest Inventories, applying GIS and Remote Sensing. He recently developed an interest to pursue further research in agro-ecological evaluation, agricultural land-use optimization and mitigation of agro-ecological risks using GIS. He has keen interest in development of sustainable agriculture and land use and expands efforts to develop meaningful models of parameters, limitations, and actual decision support systems for sustainable land use.

Komeine Nantanga
Komeine Nantanga is Associate Professor at the University of Namibia. His research interests include connecting community actions and diets to their underlying scientific and technological principles to improve the quality of life and introducing intelligent consumption of foods to spread the balancing of diet. His key focus on food security is directed on understanding the safety of nutritious foods especially the indigenous ones and on developing consumer-preferred forms that are shelf-stable under the prevailing socio-economic environment of the particular consumers. He has experience dealing with diverse audiences gained from technical and research services rendered to some of the major food industries and laboratories in SADC, Canada and USA.

Tobias Shinyemba
Tobias Shinyemba is a Lecturer in Department of Computing, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Namibia (UNAM). He holds MSc. Applied Statistics and Demography (UNAM), BSc. Population Studies (UNAM), and Diploma in Applied Statistics (UNAM). He is currently studying toward obtaining a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health at the University of Pretoria. He has a combined experience of 7 years in teaching at higher education, research, and monitoring and evaluation. He is passionate about Spatial and Big Data Analytics. He works with statistical packages such as R, STATA and SPSS. His research interest focuses on modelling demographic data using indirect methods, analysing fertility, mortality and migration patterns, Food (In)Security, Child Nutrition, Population Health, Quality of Life, and Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health. Recently, he developed interest in infectious diseases modelling an area that he would like to focus on for his PhD Studies.

Godfrey Tawodzera
Godfrey Tawodzera is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Science at the University of Namibia. He has previously worked at the University of Limpopo, the University of Zimbabwe, the Catholic University of Mozambique, and in the African Centre for Cities (ACC) at the University of Cape Town. Godfrey is a research associate of the African Food Security Urban Network (AFSUN) which researches on food security, and the Southern African Migration Programme (SAMP) whose primary research focus is on migration issues. For close to two decades, Godfrey has been involved in numerous food security and migration studies and has published extensively in these fields. Most of these studies have been in Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and in Zimbabwe.