Department of Sociology

Guénola Capron
Dr. Guénola Capron obtained her PhD in geography and planning from the University of Toulouse-2 le Mirail in 1996. She worked at the CNRS in France, then at the Center for Mexican and Central American Studies (CEMCA) in Mexico City and since 2010 she is a teacher and researcher in the department of sociology at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) of Azcapotzalco. Her research work focuses on the transformation of urban public space in the context of the rising problem of insecurity in Latin America, but also studies other objects such as daily mobility and, recently, food systems. Since 2016 she has been part of the Hungry Cities Partnership and has been responsible for monitoring the project by the Mexican side. Between 2018 and 2021 she has been invited by the University of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès in France.

Salomon Gonzalez Arellano
Salomon Gonzalez Arellano holds a PhD in Regional Planning from Laval University, Quebec. His research focuses on urban geography, urban design, segregation, accessibility, and mobility. He is interested in the representation and spatio-temporal analysis of social processes, in decision-making methods from the perspective of Territorial Intelligence. He is currently a researcher and professor at the UAM-Cuajimalpa in Mexico City in the Department of Social Sciences, and a member of the Laboratory for Socio-territorial Analysis (LAST). Salomón González is coordinator of the Urban Form Studies Network (REFU) and partner of the Hungry Cities Partnership, co-founder of the International Research Network "Villes du Futur" funded by CNRS-France (2020-2029) and coordinator of the research project "Cities in Transition" financed by CONACYT.

Fernanda Vazquez
Fernanda Vázquez VELA, is lecturer at the Metropolitan Autonomous University-Cuajimalpa in Mexico City and is editor in chief of the academic journal Espacialidades. Her lines of research engage Modern and Contemporary Indian History with Anthropology of the State. The projects in which she works at the moment are: "The experience of violence: memory, identity and gender in India", "Commissions and Committees of Inquiry in India", "Mexico and India bilateral relations" and the "South Asian migration in Mexico".

Delphine Prunier
Delphine Prunier holds a PhD in Geography from Paris Diderot University. She is currently a full-time associate researcher "C" at the Institute of Social Research of the UNAM. She is a member of the LMI-MESO International Joint Laboratory "Mobility, governance and resources in the Mesoamerican Basin", of the project "(In)mobilities in the Americas" and of the CLACSO Group "Borders: mobilities, identities and trades". Her research interests are international migrations, dynamics of mobility, circulation and return, labor markets, agriculture and rurality in Central America and Mexico. She has recently published articles about borders, territorial asymmetries and agricultural extractivism in Central America and coordinated a book on food sovereignty and food justice in the Americas.

Tiana Hayden
Tiana Hayden is a professor and researcher in the department of Urban and Environmental Studies (CEDUA) at El Colegio de México. She holds a PhD in Anthropology from New York University and an MA in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago. Her research focuses on various dimensions of urban food systems in Mexico City, including the governance of street food vending, transformations in public markets in the 21st century, and the relationship between mobilities (migration and everyday mobility), household organization and food security.