There has been growing interest in the use of urban agriculture to address food insecurity and poverty in Cape Town. This reflects debates on urban agriculture in the global south. In the north, growing food in cities has been tended to be framed in terms of its social benefits. This paper investigates the perceived benefits of urban agriculture in projects in Seawinds and Vrygrond in Cape Town. Using the concept of metabolic rift is argues for connections between northern and southern constructions of urban agriculture. This approach enables connections to be seen between the practice in seemingly different areas without losing the local context. The paper argues that by using this integrated approach, projects may be more sustainable and ultimately provide both clearer social and economic benefits.
Growing Communities: Integrating the Social and Economic Benefits of Urban Agriculture in Cape Town
Urban Forum
Jane Battersby & Maya Marshak
March 27, 2013

Featured City: Cape Town, South Africa
Featured Country: South Africa