MiFOOD partner at National University of Singapore and Asia Research Institute organizes workshop on “Global Foodscapes: Transnational Pathways of Food and Migration In and Out of Asia”. This workshop is scheduled on March 10-11, 2025. It is jointly organized by the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
This workshop explores the intricate discourses, linkages, and practices of global foodscapes by critically examining the multifaceted intersections between migration and food. Focused on three interconnected themes—food security, climate/environmental impact on food and migration, and the personal, social, and cultural significance of food for migrants—the workshop adopts a multidisciplinary lens, encompassing anthropology, geography, history, film, literature, and sociology. This workshop seeks to understand global and glocal foodscapes from the standpoint of Asia, particularly in post-pandemic Asia which experiences all levels of food insecurity ranging from alarming, serious, and moderate, to low. It seeks to explore to the diverse ways in which migrants are embedded within food production, distribution, and consumption networks as they accomplish food security away from home. Anthropogenic climate change and out-migration due to environment-induced food security are critically explored too as new forms of precarity and food insecurity for migrants at destination occur. While some migrants and diasporics labour to accomplish food security for themselves and their families, another demographic of immigrants, diasporics and transnationals perform class, culture, identity, and community through foodwork. Covering a wide range of themes interconnected with migration and food (from hidden hunger to more celebratory culinary practices), this workshop offers direction to explore glocal Asian foodscapes in/under migration as the optic for deliberations for better understandings of migrant food security, multidirectional flows in food production-supply-consumption chains, and multicultural foodways within, across, and through Asia.
This is a hybrid event. Participants could join remotely via Zoom. For more information and registration, please visit: https://ari.nus.edu.sg/events/global-foodscapes/