The Hungry Cities Partnership (HCP) is an international network of partner organizations which focuses on the relationships between rapid urbanization, urban food systems and migration in the Global South.


MiFOOD partner organizes workshop on Global Foodscapes: Transnational Pathways of Food and Migration In and Out of Asia

MiFOOD partner at National University of Singapore and Asia Research Institute organizes workshop on "Global Foodscapes: Transnational Pathways ...

R2 Project Planning Meeting Sets Strategic Direction for Research on Remittances, Food Security, and Climate Resilience

The Remitting for Resilience (R2) Project convened its Planning Meeting from February 18 to 21, 2025 in Cape ...

R2 Project Inception Workshop held in Cape Town Explores Remittances, Food Security, and Climate Resilience

The Remitting for Resilience (R2) Project successfully held its Inception Workshop at the University of the Western Cape ...



Remittances, Household Food Security, and Entrepreneurship Development: A Case Study of Mzuzu, Malawi

Anil Dhakal

— PhD Thesis — With the substantial increase in migrant remittances to developing countries since the 1990s, there is a growing interest in migration and development among academics and development practitioners. Remittances, if channelled as investments into income-generating activities (IGAs), can be a crucial source of development finance to improve…


Nicola Piper, Kavita Datta. (eds.) (2024). The Elgar Companion to Migration and the Sustainable Development Goals. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Invisible Work, Visible Impacts: Gender, Migrants, and Informal Food Trade amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Global South

Laeba Khan

MiFOOD Paper No. 27 — This paper examines the abrupt and far-reaching consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on women engaged in the informal food sector within the Global South. It highlights the deepening effects of the pandemic on food insecurity, gender inequality, and economic disparities. Based on a case study of…



Remittances, Household Food Security, and Entrepreneurship Development: A Case Study of Mzuzu, Malawi

Anil Dhakal

— PhD Thesis — With the substantial increase in migrant remittances to developing countries since the 1990s, there is a growing interest in migration and development among academics and development practitioners. Remittances, if channelled as investments into income-generating activities (IGAs), can be a crucial source of development finance to improve…


Nicola Piper, Kavita Datta. (eds.) (2024). The Elgar Companion to Migration and the Sustainable Development Goals. Edward Elgar Publishing.

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